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Declassified Missions

This web page is dedicated to the presentation of declassified photographs and other related documents from Grand General Ryan J. Gould’s military service in the years near his retirement. Viewers are cautioned regarding the military nature of the material and its connections to the social, political, and economic development of the greater world economy

ARSJB extends its thanks to the Grand General Ryan J.Gould Estate and also to the Grand General Ryan J.Gould Library for the use of this information. Additional information concerning Grand General Ryan J.Gould can also be obtained through the internet pages dedicated to General Ryan J.Gould at



General Ryan Gould, incognito, in New York circa 1979, during a military counter-intelligence training exercise in partnership with the CIA’s Punk Rock Infiltration Initiative. This initiative investigated possible means by which the youth of Soviet Bloc countries could be recruited for intelligence service during the Cold War. The application of General Gould’s intelligence and expertise gained from this initiative helped facilitate the end the Cold War. This photograph has not been previously released. General Ryan Gould, in the jungles of Okinawa, circa 1991, demonstrating proper facial camouflage technique and the ease with which the teeth can be seen in contrast to the camouflage. General Gould partnered with the Los Alamos National Laboratory to perform extensive consulting and field testing of various types of prototype facial camouflage developed during the early 1990’s. General Gould’s efforts resulted in the development of advanced high technology devices for use by the United States Military which are still in use today.



General Ryan Gould’s military home away from home, the source of General Ryan Gould’s extensive list of Military Treatises, studies, reports, doctrines, and memorandum. All of the original manuscripts of General Ryan Gould’s massive body of work are rumored to be stored in purged Nitrogen casks located in the basement of this facility, although General Gould doubts this is the case and suspects the actual casks are hidden somewhere in North Dakota General Ryan Gould, in Maryland, circa 1993, posing for a military psychological warfare photograph. This photograph was ultimately stolen by a Soviet counter-intelligence officer and widely distributed as part of the Soviet psychological warfare campaign during the Soviet invasion of Chechnya. This photograph was responsible for instilling fear of the United States among all Chechnian’s and providing political obstacles to the United States’ involvement in the conflict



This covert photograph of General Ryan Gould was taken by rogue French agents operating in the suburbs of Des Moines, Iowa, circa 1985. This photograph was used by the rogue agents as intelligence information for actions they were plotting against General Gould prior to their capture. In this photograph, General Gould, operating undercover, is secretly evaluating Marine Corps recruiting facilities and methods General Ryan Gould, in San Diego, California circa 1982, in one of many Marine etiquette and clothing protocol training photographs. General Ryan Gould became frustrated with the adequacy of training photographs available at the time and ostensibly broke Marine protocol by wearing a series of uniforms and rank markings to show officers of all ranks the proper procedures. General Ryan Gould was proud of his actions, saying “They [the recruits] were not being trained properly and similar to events I encountered in Georgia in 1864, I took matters into my own hands to see that the task was completed correctly.



General Ryan Gould (pictured left), pictured here with General Abrams, during a black tie military honors award dinner held in General Gould’s honor. After a recent hospital stay, General Gould had became suspicious that he was being followed and his conversations were being recorded after reading privately spoken advice published in a counter-intelligence military journal. During the dinner, General Gould, with the help of General Abrams and a silver spoon, was able to calibrate a delicate radio survellience monitoring antenna. To his astonishment, General Gould realized that signals he was gathering from the antenna were broadcasting from his nose, and after this brief inspection of his person, deduced that a microchip transmitter had been inserted into his nose during his recent hospital stay


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