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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Friday, October 11th, 2024

Travel With Us To Jazz Babies Island on October 27th!

We have been busy working in our machine shop and were able to reconstruct key submarine engine components that were damaged during our recent joy mission in the Taiwan Strait.   The North Koreans thought they had us but we left them crying tears of joy and much negativity was decimated.  We also harvested the finest marinara while we were out and it was divine!  Ha!  We are making our way to Austin and are looking forward to a fun time aboard the Commodore Riverboat for this years’ trip to Jazz Babies Island.  Its a lovely evening of dancing, sophistication, romance, and camaraderie aboard Austin’s premier riverboat sailing into the sunset.  Do you have plans to join us this year with your “lover-in-love”?  Do you long to dance into the sunset with your lover in your arms?  Do you yearn to hear sweet whispers of love in the cool night air?  All this and more awaits you aboard the riverboat.  Life is short, please join us and make memories you will cherish for the rest of your days.  Proceeds benefit the Hot Rhythm Foundation, a fabulous Austin organization supporting live jazz music and dancing.  Please click on the links below for tickets and more information.  Please get your tickets while you still can….

Frank Lee Devine Falls In Love!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the rumors are true.  After decades of singing songs of love, romance, relationships, and the wonderful possibilities that await us all, Frank Lee Devine himself was unexpectedly struck by one of Cupid’s arrows while attending a swing dance event in the fall of 2016.  As he can no longer deny the aches of his heart over the distance between he and his better half (she lives outside of San Antonio) he has relocated for love and moved to the San Antonio area to be with his soul mate.  It is for this reason alone that the Babies regular evening week day performances in the greater Austin metropolitan area have now ceased.  He is very grateful to have the Babies’ as well as Aunt Ruby’s full support.  Our hearts are warm and we are extremely thankful for the overwhelming outreach of support and love we have received from the community.  While our regular weekday performances in Austin have now ceased,  we have some special events in the works for future weekends in Austin.  Please befriend us on Facebook to keep abreast of our latest schedule.

Babies Website Attacked by North Korea!

Ah, we have been busy decimating negativity – too much so for rogue elements of the North Korean government seeking to change some of our historical documents. You may encounter a “404 error”, if so please disregard it, you may have to click on some of the document links multiple times before the website page will load. We ask you for your patience while the homeland security group addresses this cyber incursion.

The Babies Release New Collection of Recordings

Is this possible?  ABSOLUTELY – we are the Babies!  A new collection of recordings on compact disc entitled “It Can Be Yours” is now available.  Our newest CD is available for sale at our live performances, through this website, and via classic mail order.  To purchase, please click on the “Buy Now” button on the right and e-mail us informing us which CD you would like purchase!


Babies CD Released 2016

Babies Release New Collection of Recordings!

ARSJB UTL cover low

The Babies Release a New CD!

We are happy to announce that we have successfully released a new collection of recordings on compact disc entitled “Unleash The Love”!  We hope that you will enjoy our latest collection of recordings.  Our newest CD is available for sale at our live performances, through this website, and via classic mail order.  To purchase, please click on the “Buy Now” button on the right and e-mail us that you want the latest CD!

Jazz Babies Ringtone Now Available for Your Mobile Phone!

It’s true!  You’ll never again wonder whose mobile telephone is ringing when you download our  unique Jazz Babies ringtone to your mobile telephone.  Instantly recognizable and undeniably Aunt Ruby’s Sweet Jazz Babies, we offer this complimentary ringtone for your free download.  We hope you will enjoy it and we welcome any love offerings you would like to forward to our office in support of this social enterprise.

Click Here to Access The Ringtone

Babies Network
Order Recordings
Purchase "Stompin' Through The Tulips" directly from the Babies! Click on the PayPal "Buy Now" button shown below to redirect to PayPal's website for on-line payment.

If you would like to purchase other CDs, please use the button above to facilitate payment and email us to inform us which CD(s) you wish to receive. Each CD is priced identically.
Pay For Services
Click on the PayPal Button shown below to redirected to PayPal's website for on-line payment of private performances.