Cannot open file (/blog/wp-content/backup/.htaccess)Cannot write to file (/blog/wp-content/backup/.htaccess) Aunt Ruby's Sweet Jazz Babies » Performances


Aunt Ruby’s Sweet Jazz Babies perform regularly for political, social, and economic leaders and other miscellaneous intellectuals in various countries throughout the world. However, these are private events which are not open to the general public. When their schedule permits, the Babies enjoy playing in personal, intimate settings in and about Central Texas. Many talented and legendary personalities will often stop by and join the Babies in these settings for impromptu performances. Such is the magic of Aunt Ruby’s Sweet Jazz Babies.

Listed below are Aunt Ruby’s Sweet Jazz Babies domestic performance dates in the great Republic of Texas which are open to the general public. If you are not on the Babies’ electronic mail list, then please check this page regularly for revisions. Subscribing to the electronic mail listing will result in a more efficient notification program.

Aunt Ruby’s Sweet Jazz Babies Public Performance Schedule


Time (c.s.t.)


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Babies Network
Order Recordings
Purchase "Stompin' Through The Tulips" directly from the Babies! Click on the PayPal "Buy Now" button shown below to redirect to PayPal's website for on-line payment.

If you would like to purchase other CDs, please use the button above to facilitate payment and email us to inform us which CD(s) you wish to receive. Each CD is priced identically.
Pay For Services
Click on the PayPal Button shown below to redirected to PayPal's website for on-line payment of private performances.